We are very humbled to have been nominated as Best Real Estate Agency in the 2018 Best of The Forgotten Coast Awards. Thank you for your loyalty and support throughout these years.
We are also excited to share with you our 2018 Year in Review. As we celebrate this years' success, we are working on strategies to make 2019 just as amazing!
T.H. Stone Memorial St. Joseph Peninsula State Park
As Hurricane Michael slammed its force through the Panhandle, it recreated the landscape of the St. Joseph Peninsula State Park. The powerful storm surge created two inlets, cutting through the park and connecting the bay and the Gulf.
A meeting has been scheduled for February 19th to decide what the future of the State Park holds.
For more information about the St. Joseph Peninsula State Park please visit the official website here .
City of Mexico Beach
February 7th signs the end of the 90 day moratorium put in place by the City of Mexico Beach to update its comprehensive plan and land development regulations. The City has been reviewing building code requirements for wind load speed, and base flood elevation.
Read the full article here .
The new FEMA Flood Maps for Mexico Beach should also be released soon. For any information regarding the City of Mexico Beach please visit www.mexicobeachgov.com .
Port St. Joe
The last day for Hurricane Michael residential debris roadside pick up will be January 31st. After this date, all debris will need to be removed by the homeowners.
Read full details here .
The market situation is continuously changing in our area.
Remember, we are here for you! Please do not hesitate to contact us at 850-227-2500,
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